You may want to start your own business or side-hustle, pursue a hobby, or find more time to work on your current business.
There are a ton of things we all need more time for and there are a ton of time-management tips, techniques, books, and blogs to review.
So, let’s look at a few that can really work for you and help you find the time to do what you want!
1. Track Your Time ⏰
You can’t fix something until you know how it’s broken! Take the time to really track your time for a week, or even two. You can use an online tool like Toggl or Google Calendar, or even a spreadsheet to record your daily activities.
Break it down into 15-minute increments and take inventory of what you’re really doing during the day. You’ll have a baseline to work from and be able to track your progress.
It may seem tedious, but you might really be surprised by the results.
2. Lists 📝
It is so simple and so effective to write a list. Not only do you keep track of what you need to do, but you also get the satisfaction of marking things off when you’ve completed them!
When you have bigger projects or tasks with several steps, break them up and include each step in your list.
Writing everything down can help you prioritize your day as well.
3. Time Blocking ⌛
To effectively use the Time Blocking technique, plan out your entire day.
Include everything-work tasks, breaks, meals, exercise, etc.-that you want to get done. Better yet, block out your ideal week and use that as a baseline.
Time blocking puts you in control of your schedule instead of your schedule controlling you.
Time blocking also blocks other people from wasting your time. If you have a project that needs to get done, block out the time on your calendar and you can truthfully say, “I’m all booked up through Thursday,” when something less important comes up.
4. Take Breaks 😎
It sounds counter-intuitive but taking regular, short breaks increases productivity.
You give your brain a chance to rest and your body a chance to move.
We’ve all had those times when we just couldn’t figure something out no matter how hard we tried until we left it alone for a bit. That’s when the “ah-ha!” magic happens.
🌟Bonus: Use Time Blocking to schedule your breaks and then take them!
5. Plan Ahead 📅
Take some time to plan out your week. Think about meals, outfits, obligations (soccer mom anyone?) and build your schedule.
You’ll save time not having to decide what to make for dinner, or what to wear to work.
Plan meals with leftovers that will be easy to reheat on busier nights. Do your grocery shopping with the list of ingredients you’ll need to fix this week’s meals.
Stick to your list! You’ll be done shopping faster and save money while you’re at it.
6. Outsource 🎁
What tasks can you farm out? If there are things you can pay someone less to do than it would cost you to do it, outsource it.
Don’t think direct cost, think about “how much money can I make” in the same timeframe. This applies to everything from marketing to household tasks.
For example, if you can have your groceries delivered for less money than you can make during the time it takes to grocery shop, then outsourcing that task may be a good business decision for you.
7. Reassess and Realign 💛
Changing your time management habits will not happen overnight.
Be kind to yourself and don’t give up!
Don’t just focus on where you may have missed your goals, but celebrate where you’ve met or exceeded them (you know there are things you rocked this week 💪).
And if something isn’t working for you, switch it up until you find the perfect fit for you.
👍You’ve got this! Gaining control of your schedule gives you control over your life, reduces stress, and gives you room to breathe. Enjoy!
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